In cooperation with dfi Dokumentarfilminititative / Filmbüro NW

The mirror ERISED reveals a burning desire. Its reflection unveils our deepest fears, inner conflicts and temptations. We feel attracted and repelled. The mirror manifests a magical threshold of the different layers of reality, making us pass between perception and illusion, the documentary and the staged.

VERY SIMILAR TO, Peter Miller & Alexander Stewart, D 2009, 3’, no dialogue

APEX, Stefan Ramírez Pérez, D 2018,15’, german OV

DESERT MIRACLES, Miriam Gossing & Lina Sieckmann, D 2015, 11’ engl OV

LIFE AFTER LOVE, Zachary Epcar, US 2018, 8’, no dialogue

HÁ TERRA!, Ana Vaz, F 2016, 13’ OV engl subs

SOUVENIR, Miriam Gossing & Lina Sieckmann, D/NL 2019, 21’, engl OV, german subs

Peter Miller / Alexander Stewart / Stefan Ramírez Pérez / Miriam Gossing / Lina Sieckmann / Zachary Epcar / Ana Vaz /

Peter Miller / Alexander Stewart / Stefan Ramírez Pérez / Miriam Gossing / Lina Sieckmann / Zachary Epcar / Ana Vaz /

Peter Miller / Alexander Stewart / Stefan Ramírez Pérez / Miriam Gossing / Lina Sieckmann / Zachary Epcar / Ana Vaz /

Peter Miller / Alexander Stewart / Stefan Ramírez Pérez / Miriam Gossing / Lina Sieckmann / Zachary Epcar / Ana Vaz /