‘Ebb and flow’ is inspired by the I-Ching, the book of change, Chapter 42 – Yi (Increase). Yi is a message about expansion and fullness. It is simply another cycle of life as it flowers, decays, and achieves rebirth. Ebb and flow, darkness and light, life and death… ‘What is’ springs from ‘what is not. The end of the world is also the beginning of something new. Lichun and Robert use 16mm film projectors and analog generated waveforms to create an immersive, trance-inducing journey. Through layering, constructing, and deconstructing visual and auditory textures they strive for a sense transcending experience where the spectator is no longer consciously watching nor listening. Just being. 

Ebb and flow_performance

4x16mm projectors, 40min, 2021, Image: Lichun Tseng | Sound: Robert Kroos


Screening of Super-8-films Live/Art Class Phil Collins, Academy of Media Arts Cologne  Music: Polypixa, SMILE, DĖUTZ // Films by Blanca Barbat Soler, Felix Bartke, Cătălina Bucos & Ada Kopaz (Allegories from Another Space), Rubee Fegan, Luise Flügge, Miriam Gossing, Rike Hoppe, Polina Korovina, Felix Zilles-Perels, Miriam Rieck, Julian Quentin, Feline and more…


Live Performance POLYPIXA supported by ACCENT TRÉMA (Carl Noë)

Polypixa (Polina Korovina), was born in a cold December night *-40°C* in St. Petersburg. Member of the label@Baumusik, known for experimental dreamsynth-aggro-rap journey through feminism, chronical confusion and gender terror based on a solid fundament of postpunk and traditional Russian music. Musically supported by ACCENT TRÉMA, an electronical composer from soft city Cologne. Together they mutate into certain conventions of bedroom punk, dream pop and rap.

EBB AND FLOW - Lichun Tseng & Robert Kroos

EBB AND FLOW - Lichun Tseng & Robert Kroos

EBB AND FLOW - Lichun Tseng & Robert Kroos

EBB AND FLOW - Lichun Tseng & Robert Kroos